Every year as I put up my Nativity Advent calendar and light my Advent Candle, I pray and hope that I can prepare my heart, mind and soul for Christmas. That I can make room for the Christ child to come again into my heart and home, amidst the pressure to make home made mince pies or turn my home into a Homes and Gardens photo shoot. That this season will allow me to turn again to understand what it means when Jesus came as Immanuel – God with us. That I may see the light breaking through the darkness we see all around us.
God who came into the mess and brokenness of our world to be with us. A world where then, as now, was full of suffering, pain and hurt. Two thousand years on, it’s still a world where wars and hunger are prominent, where lawlessness, injustice and greed are the order of the day. It’s a world, longing and crying out to be saved. A world in need of hope, peace, love and joy… the themes of the four Sundays in Advent when we light our candles on the Advent wreath.
One dictionary defines Advent as “coming into being”. Maybe that’s what we all need at Christmas. A time to be brought into being. To slow down, to live in the moment and to appreciate the blessings and gifts we already have. Perhaps the greatest gift we can receive this year, is to hear God’s quiet voice calling out across the commercialism which surrounds us, and to allow God to “come into being” in our lives. To allow God to come into the chaos, mess and brokenness of our lives right now!
This is the challenge of the season.. and so I pray that you may know and experience something of the mystery, wonder and awe of the God who came into our world bringing light into darkness to be WITH us. God dwelling among us in the fullness of humanity to bring the Good news of the eternal Christmas message… A message which we resonate with in Cursillo as we say “fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love.”
With every blessing for this Advent season and a joyful peaceful Christmas
