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Encouraging one another: Cursillo small groups


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Let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another. Hebrews 10 24-25

Sue Evans writes:

Does this sound familiar? If you are part of a small group (or 'group reunion') then it probably does, because this is how we start each meeting. And those last four words are why I always look forward meeting in my group. It is the encouragement that I find so powerful.

If you aren’t in a small group let me tell you a little bit about them. It’s an opportunity to meet regularly, perhaps fortnightly or monthly with a few others (small group!!) to talk about how the three legged stool subjects, Study, Piety and Action, have affected us since we last met. It isn’t intended as a discussion time; we are encouraged to just listen to what each other says.

Over the years it has been wonderful hearing what others have learnt, read, watched, experienced, and to be able to pass on my own thoughts. It is a space to reflect on how God has been working in our lives if we just know to look for him. But it has also been helpful and supportive as we have gone through dry or difficult times. We always finish with a time of prayer.

So, if this description has whetted your appetite and you would like to join a group please contact myself or Olivia Coles, our spiritual advisor, or Julie Hughes, lay director.

The meetings don’t have to be in person - being on Zoom means we don’t have to worry about geography! So, if you are interested please do get in touch. Ultreya!!

Sue Evans, 4th Day Coordinator

sueevans1949 AT hotmail DOT com


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